
Patent je zákonná ochrana vynálezov zaručujúcich vlastníkovi patentu výhradne právo k priemyslovému využitiu vynálezu. V Slovenskej republike sa udeľovanie patentov riadi zákonom č. Na určité riešenie (vynález) môže byť . An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem and is a product or a process. Patents are a form of intellectual property.

V České republice udělování patentů upravuje zákon č. Podle něho se patenty udělují na vynálezy, které jsou nové, jsou výsledkem vynálezecké činnosti . Patentované sú niektoré spôsoby uloženia dát. Existujú softvérové patenty, ktoré pokrývajú všetky možnosti, ako riešiť určitý problém (napr. patent na prenos digitalizovaného videa po sieti). In patent law, an inventor is the person, or persons in United States patent law, who contribute to the claims of a patentable invention. In some patent law frameworks, however, such as in the European Patent Convention (EPC) and its case law, no explicit, accurate definition of who exactly is an inventor is provided.

A patent gives an inventor the right to stop other people making or using their invention.

If someone makes or uses that invention without being allowed to, the inventor can sue that person in court to make them stop. The inventor can sell the patent to another person or company. In United States patent law, a metho also called process, is one of the four principal categories of things that may be patented through utility patents. The other three are a machine, an article of manufacture (also termed a manufacture), and a composition of matter. In that context, a method is a series of steps for . A software patent is a patent on a piece of software, such as a computer program, libraries, user interface, or algorithm.

The term of a patent is the maximum period during which it can be maintained in force. It is usually expressed in a number of years either starting from the filing date of the patent application or from the date of grant of the patent. In most patent laws, renewal annuities or maintenance fees have to be regularly paid in order to . In the United States, a design patent is a form of legal protection granted to the ornamental design of a functional item.

Design patents are a type of industrial design right. Ornamental designs of jewelry, furniture, beverage containers (Fig. 1) and computer icons are examples of objects that are covered by design patents. Novelty is a requirement for a patent claim to be patentable.

The purpose of the novelty requirement is to . Letters patent can be used for the creation of corporations or government . The Peer To Patent project is an initiative that seeks to assist patent offices in improving patent quality by gathering public input in a structure productive manner.

Peer To Patent is the first social-software project directly linked to decision-making by the federal government. An initial pilot project in collaboration with the . An essential patent or standard-essential patent (SEP) is a patent that claims an invention that must be used to comply with a technical standard. Standards organizations, therefore, often require members disclose and grant licenses to their patents and pending patent applications that cover a standard that the organization . A chemical patent , pharmaceutical patent or drug patent is a patent for an invention in the chemical or pharmaceuticals industry. Strictly speaking, in most jurisdictions, there are essentially no differences between the legal requirements to obtain a patent for an invention in the chemical or pharmaceutical fields, . A land patent is an exclusive land grant made by a sovereign entity with respect to a particular tract of land. To make such a grant “ patent ”, a sovereign ( proprietary landowner) must document the land grant, securely sign and seal the document ( patent ), and openly publish the documents for the public to see.

A submarine patent is a patent whose issuance and publication are intentionally delayed by the applicant for a long time, which can be several years, or a decade. A patent is a set of rights granted by a government to an inventor. This strategy requires a patent system where, first, patent applications are not publishe an secon patent term is measured from grant date, not from priority. Patent er ei ordning som gjev kvar ein einerett til å utnytta ei oppfinning innanfor eit avgrensa tidsrom. I denne perioden har ikkje andre rett til å produsera, importera eller selja produkt som nyttar løysinga som er patentbeskytta.

Ulike land regulerer patent på ulike måtar.


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